Cafe Bellini

                                             Hello Fellow RECC Members and Past Members,                              

 You and your spouse or important other are cordially invited to our meeting at Cafe Bellini in Petaluma (at the corner of East Washington and S. McDowell Boulevard).

Presentation for this meeting is by club member Victor Ivashin

                                           "Christmas Seals and Stamps, Love at Christmas"

This video PowerPoint presentation will uncover the

history of the first Christmas Seals and show their

use and promotion both in the U.S. and internationally. 

Further will be shown the use of charity stamps along

the same theme lines. Philately can spread love and joy,

especially at Christmas.

Treasurer: ~Position Open~
Show 'n Tells:   Michael Turrini
Presentations: Members - We need signups for future meetings.
Sale & Free: Collector Dan - Come see if there is something for you.
You All are so appreciated for your contributions to our club!  

Meetings will be presided by our new President Collector Dan

There will also be a "Show and Tell" where members are allotted  2 to 3  minutes per one or two items.  Please bring something to share, perhaps from WINEPEX .  Ideas may also include "A Stamp Gift", "What I am Searching For", "My Favorite Item" or any other.  We promise to be fascinated!

We continue to seek volunteers for presentations each month. Thank you so much for volunteering!

You may bring items for sale at the meeting as Dan will handle that part of our get-together.  Unsold items go back to the owner. Or you may bring items to the Free table.

A Big thank you to all Club members who gave a helping hand at WINEPEX:

    Collector Dan,  Sharon Oman,  Nancy Jensen,  Don Hill,  Lloyd Chan,  Michael Turrini,

       Troy Moon,  Kurt Schau, Dennis Buss,  Barry Sovel,  Barbara and Allan Thomas

                           We could have not done it without you!

Please come as we need you to:

        1.To vote on important meeting details for the coming year.
       2. See what special philatelic item members bring to show and talk about.
       3. Add some stamps, covers, postal history or other items to your collection
       4. Share your talent, skills, experiences and knowledge with our members.

                 Nancy Jensen always graciously mails the agenda,  Thank You Nancy.

It is a good time for us to continue to share our collecting interests in both philately and in other collections.  As collectors we at times don't just limit our instinctive gathering desires to philately.  In each of us dwells the accumulation spirit and we often seek those elusive, mysterious and precious items that warm our hearts.  Perhaps this is your opportunity to present to the attention of the club what you also collect and in doing such we will all experience humor, fascination and wonder.  Please contact Victor Ivashin ( by phone or email to arrange how we post your item in our Member Philately section of this site. 


It is with sadness that we report the passing of our dear club member Kurt Schau who has been a foundational member of our club for many years.  Kurt was always active in all activities and served as an officer with loyalty honoring the principles of philatelic endeavor and being a friend to all.  Each year he volunteered to be the principle organizer of our WINEPEX show and provided incentive to all.  He was our Chief Financial Officer and served that position with his usual spirit and honor.  Our sympathies go to his family knowing that now he will always be remembered as a most wonderful friend to us all.  Thank you dear Kurt for giving us the pleasure of sharing your life with us and for all you have done.

Our next meeting is February 19th at our usual location.  Our usual meetings feature a meal which can be bought from the restaurant's menu. 

The meeting place is Cafe Bellini in Petaluma.

Redwood Empire Collectors Club